
Aesthetic / Cosmetic Surgery (Indoor admission basis)
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HomeExpertise Aesthetic / Cosmetic Surgery (Indoor admission basis) Gluteus Implants

Gluteus Implants

Gluteus Implants Before
Gluteus Implants After

Gluteus Implants, butt implants or Buttock augmentation surgery can help women enhance their figure.
In some cases butt are never absolutely developed while some wish to obtain a more enhanced set of butt by making them better formed and body. A Buttock Implants Surgery is a cosmetic procedure that accomplishes these goals these days.
Like a breasts implant surgery process, silicone implants are placed in the buttock pockets. These buttock implants are developed to sustain a natural experience to the butt
  • Improving looks and enhancing self-confidence
  • Becoming less self-conscious as well as healthy looks

After the surgery treatment it is suggested to remain at medical center for 1 or 2 days. Patient lies on his stomach and may sit down 3rd after the surgery treatment. Can get back to work within a week, avoid physical workout six weeks after the surgery.